Monday, August 24, 2015

#MovieMonday Sinister 2 Review

Joey and I finally got a chance to go to the movies this last weekend and, honestly, it had been a while since we had seen a good horror movie, therefore, we were a little weary of seeing this one in theaters.

It seems as if we were going to get the same movie as Sinister, (which, by the way, was awesome. Check out our top ten list for a short review) but it was actually very well done. Instead of focusing on the "guy investigating stuff" as the main character, we switch over to the child's point of view, which is a nice change of pace, and still insanely scary. This movie is definitely a master of the "jump scare" and got both Joey and I on several occasions. It's also still somewhat gruesome... cuz, ya know, home-made movies of kids killing people. But it did lay down some horror movie rules for the monster that were unknown in Sinister, and if you know me, you know I LOVE rules when it comes to horror. For example: Rule #254 Don't go in the attic. Rule #452 Don't say "I'll be right back." You know, the basics that the movie Scream taught us in the 90's, which has always been true. And I love rules because if there are rules, that means the monster is able to be killed, and good, in some cases, can prevail. Don't get me wrong, I don't always want a predictable ending where the good girl virgin is the only survivor and walks away perfectly fine - except for some mental scaring. But I do love movies that show us what some people did wrong so that we can make assumptions on what the rules are, and how to win. Just like figuring out that Freddy can be pulled out of a dream after 200 other people die because they try to stay awake, I love ground rules, and the second installment sets some of them up for the next installment.

And yes, we have absolutely seen boogy-man movies before. There's even one called "Boogyman." But this is one far from some 30-something trying to figure out why he was so afraid of his closet when he was 10. It's truly scary. If I had seen this when I was a small child, I would have had nightmares until I was 25. They definately uped the ante from Sinister, and I love it when a movie not only tries to compete with others of it's time and genre, but mostly itself.

When we walked out of the theater at the end of the film, my husband had welps all over his body from me grabbing him every time I got spooked, and I'm not one who is easily scared and can almost always call what's going to happen next. I give this flick an 8 out of 10 stars, and recommend it to ages mature+. Unless you are home alone with the lights off. Cuz eff that.

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