Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nerdy Girl Vaca

Joey and I just got back from our nerdy anniversary vacation and it was a blast! We went to Wizard World Comic Con in Tulsa, and it was my first Con, but not his, so he showed me ropes. It was so much fun, and I got to meet some pretty cool celebs along the way. Here's some pics:

Dressed up as American Rose Tyler and The Doctor. Because it's basically Halloween there the whole time.

R2D2: Prop from the movie, had a guy driving him. He did everything he does in the movies. It was pretty cool.
Cosplay: Game of Thrones. Pretty good!

Corey Feldman Panel
Tom Felton Panel
Tom Felton walked around the event the whole time. I got to meet him twice and Joey got to meet him once. I have to say, he's a pretty awesome guy. He was shooting some sort of documentary about super-fans.
This is when I met him. Right after the Feldman panel I went outside and was standing alone when he just walked up beside me. He was like, "Hey, what's up," and just stood there. He had a camera guy on him, so he denied a selfie, but talked to me and shook my hand. It was pretty cool to meet Draco in person.

Robert Englund Panel. He still scares the crap out of me.
Michael Rooker panel. He was pretty full of himself, but in a funny way. He's pretty crazy.
Yeah, this cosplayer happened. Joey asked for a pic with her and her first response was, "Oh, no... no..."

All of these pics were from a booth that costs an arm and a leg to get something from. But, it was all pretty legit. You couldn't get anything for less than $400.

Dean Cain Panel. Joey spoke to him and asked him a question. You can find the video on my facebook page. Pretty awesome!

Rutina Wesley from True Blood. One of my fave shows. She came out wearing her fangs. Cool chick.

Eliza Dushku Panel. This chick is freakin' hilarious. She was also wearing this shirt, which is awesome.

Boondock Saints Panel. Best panel by far. They didn't really give a crap about the rules and where taking selfies and signing autographs. When they first came out, they signed those name cards you see in front of them, made paper airplanes out of them, and threw them into the crowd. Later, a woman's phone rang twice... and Sean answered it... twice. It was pretty hilarious. Super cool guys.
Bumblebee Cosplay

Scott Wilson! I'm so mad at myself for missing his panel! There were some time issues with the event and it was suppose to be at 2pm but was moved to noon and we missed it. BOO!

 I had such a good time at this thing! I'm such a nerd when it comes to fantasy/sci-fi and horror movies... maybe just movies in general, but especially zombies, so The Walking Dead is my jam. I really hope we can go back next year and maybe we can get a large group of friends to go with us next time. Also, I will be saving up my money so I can see even more people next time!

I also go to eat legit Japanese food for the first time on our trip. We went to a restaurant called Janmai. It was Habatchi and wonderful. Had Saki for the first time as well and it's so good! It was expensive, but totally worth it. I plan on going back there for every anniversary. Red Lobster who?


  1. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  2. Wish I could have gone this year! Thanks so much for posting. Made me feel like I was there!
