Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Bucket List

Here is a few things I would like to do before I kick the bucket, and these are not in any particular order. Maybe this will allow you to get to know me just a little bit better. Also, I shouldn't have to mention that I hope to complete all of these things with my husband, whom I hope to share every adventure in my life with.

1. Escort newly hatched baby sea turtles to the ocean. And I don't mean ALL of them, but just one nest. I think that would be all I could handle, but I would be determined to get them all there in one piece.

2. Visit Paris, The Caribbean, The shores of Mexico, Japan, Australia (especially The Great Barrier Reef), Rome, Greece, and also explore my own country as well.

3. Eat a slice of New York Style pizza. And I don't mean just the style, I mean legitimately from New York. Hell, I'll even say I would like to be in New York when I eat it. Even if it's some crappy little pizza place and it looks like it could be in the opening credits of Louie (Louis CK). Pizza is one of my favorite foods, and it's a shame that I still haven't tried one of those famous peaces of pie. I'll throw in trying a piece of Chicago style pizza in Chicago as well, just to say I've tried it.

4. Ride horses along the ocean shoreline. I had a chance to do this when I was, I don't know, maybe 12 or so. I had this fantasy that it would just be magical, so I talked my family into it. I believe we were at South Padre Island. We found a place that would provide just that, and as the guide began to bring out the horses I got excited. They brought out this gorgeous white Clydesdale with a long flowing mane and tail to my mom, and she hoped on. I was getting even more excited at this point. Then they brought out this beautiful black Clydesdale for my dad, and a handsome black and white paint for my little brother. It was going to be awesome. And then they brought out mine. It was a mule. Not making that up. It. Was. A MULE. I was so mad I couldn't see straight and the damn thing was barn sour and I fought with it the whole time. So, that didn't count. At all.

6. Observe a group of large animals in the wild. Preferably horses, buffalo, zebra, elephants, lions, etc.

7. Go deep sea diving. Even though I am absolutely terrified of what is in the ocean, I think it would be totally worth seeing all the ocean's beauty up close and personal. I think we can add swim with dolphins to this one.

8. See a ocean based sink hole with my own eyes. Here is a link to some pretty amazing ones.

9. Touch something ancient - man made and nature made.


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